Legacy Confluence bridge for MicrosoftStream

Modifié par Admin le 25/06/2024 - 07:06


This is a legacy, unprefixed Confluence bridge for the Microsoft Stream macro. Please use msStream instead.


uriURLThe URL to the Microsoft Stream video.Yes
widthWidthThe viewer width. Can be specified either in pixels (for example, 400px) or as a percentage of the available page width (for example, 50%).No500px
heightHeightThe viewer height. Can be specified either in pixels (for example, 400px) or as a percentage of the available page height (for example, 50%).No300px
startStart AtStart video at a specific time (use HH:MM:SS as time format).No00:00:00
showinfoShow InfoShow the video info on thumbnail.Notrue
autoplayAuto PlayWhether the video should start automatically or if the user must play it.Nofalse

Example of usage

{{net-presago-stream-macro uri="https://web.microsoftstream.com/video/2113" width="700px" showinfo="true" start="00:05:04"/}}