
Modifié par Admin le 25/06/2024 - 07:05

Display avatars of the members of a team.


 Parameter  Name  Description  Default
 tag  Tag  Tag that users need to have to be shown 
 users  Users  Restrict to this list of user names (don't prefix with the wiki identifier) 
 size  Size  The size (height and width) of an avatar  60
 showUsernames  Show Usernames  The name of users should be displayed under their avatars  false
 letterAvatarBgColor  Letter Avatars Background Color  The background color of the letter avatars  #0A6
 letterAvatarFontColor  Letter Avatars Font Color  The font color of the letter avatars  white
 disableLetterAvatars  Disable Letter Avatars  Don't use letter avatars and display a default avatar instead  false
 requireExternalAuth  Require External Auth The user should be searched in LDAP or OAuth  false
 limit  Limit  The maximum number of people to show (0 turns off the limit)  100
 scope  Scope  The scope of the query used to find users. "global": in the main wiki. "local": in the current wiki. "both": in both the main wiki and the local wiki. "auto": find out from the wiki settings. Has no effect in the main wiki.  auto


All users


All users, no LDAP or OpenIDC requirements, bigger

{{team requireExternalAuth=false size=100 /}}

All users, no LDAP or OpenIDC requirements, some colors

{{team requireExternalAuth=false letterAvatarBgColor="#05C" letterAvatarFontColor="#FFA"/}}

All users, with LDAP or OpenIDC requirements

{{team requireExternalAuth=true /}}

Il n'y a personne à afficher.

All users with names, disable tools

{{team showUsernames=true disableTools=true/}}

All users with names, disable letter avatars, only in the main wiki

{{team showUsernames=true disableLetterAvatars=true scope=global/}}